Spring 2023
February 07: Introductory meeting of the semester; Brainstorm ideas for workshops/presenters/etc.
February 28: Presenter -- Graduate Student Ajay Khanna, Machine learning in Python
April 18: Presenter -- Professor Henrik Larsson, Density Matrix Renormalization Group Theory
The JCTC talks are prepared similar to a lecture for the group (aka "a chalk talk"). Presenting groups are encouraged to work and cover these suggested topics together. This will spread out the workload and allow everyone's areas of expertise to show.
The presenting group is encouraged to work through the details by hand before their session, and come prepared with notes to write at the board. The group will also send out relevant reading material ~1 week before their talk to the JCTC members, and will only use the projector to show necessary graphics and figures. Please remember that the JCTC group has a diverse background, so start at the basics and work up from there.
Each of these topics may take more than one and a half meeting, so the schedule is "flexible", and may get pushed back to following semesters.
Fall 2022 Schedule
(every other Monday, 12:00-1:30 pm in ACS 203 (Tutoring Room))
Date |
Group |
Topic |
9/19/2022 |
Hratchian |
Introductory meeting of the semester: Brainstorm ideas for workshops/presenters/etc. |
10/21/2021 |
Hratchian |
Graduate Student Cristian Sarabia: Time-Dependent Pertubation Theory |
10/31/2021 |
Kelly |
Professor Anne Kelly: 2D Time Resolved Optical Spectroscopy |
11/14/2022 |
Strubbe |
Professor David Strubbe: Solid State Quantum Mechanics |
Spring 2022 Schedule
(every other Monday, 1:00-2:00 pm in ACS 203 (Tutoring Room))
Date |
Group |
Topic |
1/31/2022 |
Hratchian |
Graduate Student Cristian Sarabia: Molecular optimization and Gaussian Interface in Mathematica |
2/14/2022 |
Shi |
Graduate Student Hanbo Hang: Latex Tutorial |
2/28/2022 |
Isborn |
Graduate Student Ajay Khanna: Python Bootcamp #1 Working with Python Dictionaries and Reading in Basis Sets off of Basis Set Exchange |
3/14/2022 |
Break |
APS and ACS Spring meetings |
4/5/2022 |
Isborn |
Graduate Student Ajay Khanna: Python Bootcamp #2 Programming One and Two electron intergrals in Jupyter Notebook |
5/2/2022 |
Shi |
Professor Liang Shi: Introduction to the Monte Carlo method with Python and Jupyter Notebook |
Fall 2021 Schedule
(every other Monday, 4:00-5:30 pm in ACS 203 (Tutoring Room))
Date |
Group |
Topic |
9/13/2021 |
Hratchian |
Introductory meeting of the semester: Brainstorm ideas for workshops/presenters/etc. |
9/27/2021 |
Hratchian |
Professor Hrant Hratchian: Quadrature Based Numerical Methods |
10/11/2021 |
Isborn |
Graduate Student Ajay Khanna: Spectroscopic Method Development in the Isborn Group |
10/25/2021 |
Pribram-Jones |
Professor Pribram-Jones: Thermal DFT |
11/8/2021 |
Isborn |
Professor Isborn: TD-DFT |
11/22/2021 |
Hratchian |
Graduate Student Ali Abou Taka: Thesis Defense Practice |
Fall 2019 Schedule
(every other Monday, 4:30-6:30 pm in ACS 203 (Tutoring Room))
Date |
Group |
Topic |
10/7/2019 |
Pribram-Jones |
Adiabatic connection (interpretive tool for determining exchange-correlation) |
10/21/2019 |
Isborn |
Introduction to time-dependent Schrödinger equation, time-dependent configuration-interaction, |
11/4/2019 |
Hratchian |
Linear Algebra Techniques: Diagonalization, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Trotterization |
11/18/2019 |
Shi |
Modelling Absorption Spectra Lineshape Function |
12/2/2019 |
Strubbe |
GW/BSE methods: a qualitative treatment for understanding description of |
12/16/2019 |
Strubbe |
GW/BSE methods: a qualitative treatment for understanding description of |
Spring 2019 Schedule
(every other Wednesday, 5:00-6:30 pm in COB1 322 (Willow Room))
Date |
Group |
Topic |
2/13/2019 |
Isborn |
TDDFT Linear Response Equations |
2/27/2019 |
Isborn/Hratchian |
(CI) Energy Contributions for EST / (HH) SCF Convergence methods |
3/13/2019 |
Hratchian |
Transition State Optimization |
4/3/2019 |
Shi |
Multipole Expansion and Fermi's Golden Rule |
4/17/2019 |
Shi/Strubbe |
More time for Shi / Density Functional Perturbation Theory |
5/1/2019 |
Strubbe |
Calculating IR and Raman Spectra |